The Artist



REVELATION/REVOLUTION is a collection of digital prints involving illustrations, prose poetry, and interactive media. The illustrations are digitally painted while the prose poetry are excerpts from my book, “One Day, I Hope That…”

REVELATION/REVOLUTION is my continued pursuit to deconstruct and rebuild my relationship with masculinity through the intersecting lenses of race, sexuality, queer identity, and size. The narratives of Black queer men are, oftentimes, underrepresented. When amplified by performative masculinity and fat antagonism, our experiences are often marginalized and invalidated.

I intended for my work to spark thoughtful conversations and help normalize the existence and humanity of the black, fat, queer, male body.

Love Era, 2020

[Image Description: “Love Era” written in dark brown in front of a tan background. Four small dark brown and tan circles are below the text.]